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Klix Pay Later widget

Simple monthly payment widget

In order to add Klix Pay Later monthly payment widget to your store place following script in head part of the page.

   <!-- Klix Pay Later widget -->
   <script type="module" src=""></script>
   <script nomodule="" src=""></script>

Then place Klix Pay Later monthly payment widget source code just below the product price. You should pass at least product price, language and your Brand ID to widget.

   <klix-pay-later amount="67900" brand_id="702314b8-dd86-41fa-9a22-510fdd71fa92" 
      language="en" theme="light" view="product" category="SPORTS_GOODS">

For Shopify integration:

   <klix-pay-later amount="{{ product.price | money_numbers_only}}" brand_id="702314b8-dd86-41fa-9a22-510fdd71fa92" 
      language="en" theme="light" view="product" category="SPORTS_GOODS">

Klix Pay Later widget in product page

We strongly recommend to place Klix Pay Later monthly payment widget both on product, shopping cart and checkout page so that customer can preview monthly payment also if multiple different products are added to the shopping cart.

Widget parameters are described in the following table.

Parameter Description Optional
amount Product price in cents (if widget is shown in product view)/shopping cart item total amount in cents (if widget is shown in shopping cart/checkout view) false
brand_id Brand ID assigned to your company after Klix agreement signing false
language Widget language ( Latvia "en", "lv", "ru", Lithuania: "lt") false
theme Currenly only "light" theme is supported true
view Widget placement in site. Following placements are supported: "product", "cart", "checkout". true
type If not provided widget size will be standard, if provided type="micro" then widget will be small size. true

Klix Pay Later monthly payment widget displays monthly payment information depending on a country, financing product type assigned to your merchant configuration.

Here are few examples of how Klix Pay Later monthly payment widget might look like in case of different financing product types:

  • Monthly payment widget displaying grace i.e. Klix FREE financing product information for Latvian merchant
  • Monthly payment widget displaying installment financing product information for Latvian merchant
  • Monthly payment widget displaying commission financing product information for Latvian merchant
  • Monthly payment widget displaying grace i.e. Klix FREE financing product information for Lithuanian merchant
  • Monthly payment widget displaying installment financing product information for Lithuanian merchant
  • Monthly payment widget displaying commission financing product information for Lithuanian merchant
  • Monthly payment widget displaying installment financing product information for Latvian merchant
  • Monthly micro payment widget displaying commission financing product information for Lithuanian merchant

Monthly payment widget with adjustable down-payment amount

In order to add Klix Pay Later monthly payment widget with adjustable down-payment amount to your store place following script in head part of the page.

   <!-- Klix Pay Later widget with adjustable down-payment amount -->
    <script type="module" src=""></script>

Then place Klix Pay Later monthly payment widget source code in desired place and pass data-brand-id, data-loan-amount and data-locale-attributes.

   <klix-widget id="klix-custom-widget" data-brand-id="a6cef80b-92a4-4bc2-b611-7dc597f9a999" data-loan-amount="75000" data-locale="lv"></klix-widget>

Here are few examples of how Klix Pay Later monthly payment widget with adjustable down-payment amount might look like in case of different financing product types:

  • Monthly payment widget displaying grace i.e. Klix FREE financing product information for Latvian merchant
  • Monthly payment widget displaying multiple installment financing product information for Lithuanian merchant

Monthly payment widget with adjustable order and down-payment amount

In order to add Klix Pay Later monthly payment widget with adjustable principal and down-payment amount to your store place following script in head part of the page.

   <!-- Klix Pay Later widget with adjustable down-payment amount -->
    <script type="module" src=""></script>

Then place Klix Pay Later monthly payment widget source code in desired place and pass data-brand-id, data-loan-amount, data-amount-slider and data-locale attributes.

<klix-widget data-brand-id="702314b8-dd86-41fa-9a22-510fdd71fa92" data-locale="en" data-loan-amount="67800" data-amount-slider="true"></klix-widget>
Parameter Description Optional
data-brand-id Brand ID assigned to your company after Klix agreement signing false
data-loan-amount Product price in cents false
data-locale Representative example language. Possible values: "en", "lv", "ru", "lt", "et" false
data-amount-slider Paraameter should be set to true false

Monthly payment widget with custom view

This type of widget allows you to implement monthly payment widget that matches your web-page design. To enable monthly payment widget custom view you should set global variables showCustomView to true and provide implementation for following functions:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang='en'>
        <!-- Klix Pay Later widget -->
        <script type="module" src=""></script>
        <script nomodule="" src=""></script>
        <script type="application/javascript">
            window.showCustomView = true;
            window.customMiniWidget = {};

            window.customMiniWidget.populateData = function (data) {
                // This function will be called once monthly payment data is retrieved from Klix API.
                // data contains two fields: preferredOffer of type FinancingProduct and offers of type FinancingProduct[]:
                // data.preferredOffer is a preferred financing product offer determined by merchat configuration
                // data.offers is a list of all financing product offers available to this merchant
                this.monthlyPaymentAmount = data.preferredOffer.monthlyPaymentAmount;
                this.repaymentCount = data.preferredOffer.totalRepaymentCount;

            window.customMiniWidget.returnWidgetView = function () {
                // This function should return string representation of HTML view of this custom design widget e.g. 
                return `
                    <span>${this.repaymentCount} mēn. Х ${this.monthlyPaymentAmount}&nbsp;€</span>
        <klix-pay-later amount="75000" brand_id="a6cef80b-92a4-4bc2-b611-7dc597f9a000" language="en" theme="light" view="product" category="ELECTRONICS">

FinancingProduct class fields description:

Parameter Description Type
id Financing product id string
requestedAmount Total purchase amount e.g. 600 EUR number
downPaymentAmount Down-payment amount that will/must be paid by customer e.g. 100 EUR number
principalAmount Loan amount to be borrowed e.g. 600-100=500 EUR number
apr Annual percentage rate number
commissionRate Commission rate number
fixedCommission Commission amount if product have fixed commission amount number
interestRate Interest rate number
gracePeriodRepaymentCount Grace period repayment count (only for product type GRACE_PERIOD) number
totalRepaymentCount Total loan repayment count number
monthlySplitPaymentAmount Monthly payment amount if loan will be repaid within grace period number
monthlyPaymentAmount Monthly payment amount including all fees number
monthlyPaymentGraceAmount Monthly payment amount within grace period if extended term is chosen number
firstMonthPaymentAmount First month payment amount for loan (monthly payment + commission fee in case of COMMISSION product) number
name Name of this financing product string
productType Type of this financing product. Possible values: GRACE_PERIOD, INSTALLMENT_CREDIT, COMMISSION string
sequence Financing product sequence number

Representative example

This API endpoint allows you to retrieve a representative example. The amount should correspond to the exact product price.


  "representativeExample": "Representative example: Loan amount: €560, loan duration: 12 mos., monthly payment: €46.67, total loan amount: €576.8, interest rate: 0%, annual percentage rate (APR): 5.78%, commission fee: €16.8. Calculations are only informative, and each customers situation is evaluated individually. The lending service using Klix is provided by AS Citadele banka, AS Lateko Līzings, or SIA"

Preliminary offers parameters description:

Parameter Description Optional
b Brand ID assigned to your company after Klix agreement signing false
a Product price in cents false
l Representative example language. Possible values: "en", "lv", "ru", "lt", "et" true
d The duration variable is used to specify the length of time over which the loan will be repaid. true