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Supported payment methods

Klix currently supports following payment methods:

Name Description
klix Klix card payments
citadele_ee_digilink Citadele Bank payments
citadele_lt_digilink Citadele Bank payments
citadele_lv_digilink Citadele Bank payments
coop_pank_ee_pis Coop Pank payments
klix_apple_pay Apple Pay payments
klix_google_pay Google Pay™ payments
klix_pay_later Klix Pay Later
lhv_ee_pis LHV payments
luminor_ee_pis Luminor payments
luminor_lt_pis Luminor payments
luminor_lv_pis Luminor payments
revolut_pis Revolut payments
seb_ee_pis SEB payments
seb_lt_pis SEB payments
seb_lv_pis SEB payments
siauliu_lt_pis Šiaulių Bankas payments
swedbank_ee_pis Swedbank payments
swedbank_lt_pis Swedbank payments
swedbank_lv_pis Swedbank payments

Payment method specifics

Note that available payment method API end-point returns all payment methods that are enabled for you even if end-user's device/browser does not support particular payment method. This section describes the specifics of particular payment methods including additional checks that should be done in order to determine if particular payment method is available in customer's device/browser.

Apple Pay

Checking Apple Pay support in device/browser

Use following conditions to detect if customer's device/browser supports Apple Pay payments:

<script type="text/javascript">
    if (window.ApplePaySession && ApplePaySession.canMakePayments()) {
        // customer's device & browser supports Apple Pay -> Apple Pay payment button should be included in payment method list

Google Pay™

All merchants must adhere to the Google Pay APIs Acceptable Use Policy and accept the terms defined in the Google Pay API Terms of Service.

If you have selected Google Pay as one of the payment methods in Klix agreement then no additional actions should be made to enable Google Pay payments for your merchant account. Google Pay is available in a redirect flow as any other payment method provided by Klix. Klix takes care of providing correct parameters to Google Pay SDK and only case you'll need to interact with Google Pay SDK directly is in case you decide to display Klix payment method selection directly in your checkout page and would like to hide Google Pay button in case it's not supported by customer's device/browser. In such case please follow instructions provided in section Checking Google Pay support in device/browser.

3DS support

For PAN_ONLY card transaction authentication (this authentication method is associated with payment cards stored on file with the user's Google Account) Klix will request 3DS authentication just as for any regular card transaction processed by Klix. No additional actions should be performed in order to request 3DS for PAN_ONLY transactions and there's no option to disable 3DS for PAN_ONLY transactions.

Checking Google Pay support in device/browser

Use following conditions to detect if customer's device/browser supports Google Pay payments:

<script async src="" onload="onGooglePayLoaded()"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    function onGooglePayLoaded() {
    const paymentsClient = new google.payments.api.PaymentsClient({
        environment: 'PRODUCTION'
    const googleIsReadyToPayRequest = {
        apiVersion: 2,
        apiVersionMinor: 0,
        allowedPaymentMethods: [
                tokenizationSpecification: {
                    type: 'PAYMENT_GATEWAY'
                type: "CARD",
                parameters: {
                    allowedAuthMethods: ["PAN_ONLY", "CRYPTOGRAM_3DS"],
                    allowedCardNetworks: ["VISA", "MASTERCARD"]
        .then(function(response) {
            if (response.result) {
                // customer's device & browser supports Google Pay -> Google Pay payment button should be included in payment method list